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Serious insight for serious situations.

Serious insight for serious situations.

Stress Traumatique secondaire – Qu’est-ce que c’est et qui est à risque?

Beaucoup d’entre vous connaissent le terme « stress traumatique secondaire » – une forme de stress qui peut survenir lorsqu’une personne entend les détails d’un traumatisme vécu par une autre personne1. Alors que le stress traumatique secondaire est plus souvent associé aux prestataires de soins de santé, tels que les travailleurs sociaux, les psychologues et les premiers intervenants, il peut affecter toute personne exposée à un traumatisme.

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Secondary Traumatic Stress – What is it and are you at risk?

Many of you will be familiar with the term secondary traumatic stress – a form of stress that can occur when one person hears details of a trauma experienced by another person. While secondary traumatic stress is most often associated with healthcare providers, such as social workers, psychologists, and first responders, it can affect anyone exposed to trauma.

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A primer on sexual assault investigations in the workplace

Some of the most serious forms of workplace or institutional investigations will involve the investigation of allegations of sexual assault. For post-secondary institutions (“PSIs”), incidents of sexual assault are, unfortunately, not uncommon. As evidenced by recent stories in the media, incidents of sexual assault can also arise in a variety of other workplaces and organizations.

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Coping with triggers as a workplace investigator

I can remember this event like it was yesterday. It was at the beginning of my career as a workplace investigator, and I was assigned to conduct an investigation of discrimination on the grounds of race. On this particular day, I recall sitting there, listening to the Respondent tell their side of the story. Suddenly, a familiar but deeply uncomfortable feeling crept up. It was at that moment I knew that I was “triggered.” Unbeknownst to me on that day, that “familiar” feeling was me reliving a past trauma I have experienced.

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The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent trilogy of cases on s. 276 of the Criminal Code – How we can apply it to our investigation practices

In a recent webinar offered at Rubin Thomlinson, titled “Primer on Consent,” we enjoyed a highly informative discussion on consent in the context of sexual assault. Part of that presentation included reference to a trilogy of cases from the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) on the issue of sexual assault and s. 276 of the Criminal Code (“CC”).

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