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Serious insight for serious situations.

Stress Traumatique secondaire – Qu’est-ce que c’est et qui est à risque?

Beaucoup d’entre vous connaissent le terme « stress traumatique secondaire » – une forme de stress qui peut survenir lorsqu’une personne entend les détails d’un traumatisme vécu par une autre personne1. Alors que le stress traumatique secondaire est plus souvent associé aux prestataires de soins de santé, tels que les travailleurs sociaux, les psychologues et les premiers intervenants, il peut affecter toute personne exposée à un traumatisme.

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Secondary Traumatic Stress – What is it and are you at risk?

Many of you will be familiar with the term secondary traumatic stress – a form of stress that can occur when one person hears details of a trauma experienced by another person. While secondary traumatic stress is most often associated with healthcare providers, such as social workers, psychologists, and first responders, it can affect anyone exposed to trauma.

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When catfishing comes to work: Assessing the authenticity of social media evidence in a workplace investigation

As workplace investigators in 2020, we routinely deal with issues in investigations that relate to technology, especially social media applications. In any given investigation, some portion of the alleged bullying might have taken place over Facebook, or Slack messages might provide critical evidence of sexual harassment.

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Investigations involving health care providers – 5 questions to ask at the start

Being the daughter of a retired health care provider, I observed from an early age the balancing act of providing patient-centred care while wanting to do one’s best in a workplace that can be emotionally charged, fast-paced and ever-changing (I know that these descriptors not only apply to working in health care generally, but could apply to an employee’s experience in just one shift). 

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Health care and harassment: Now is the time to address unhealthy habits

Grey’s Anatomy – the television show and not the textbook – has been running for more seasons than I care to count.  All I know is that it has spanned several different stages of my educational and professional life and seems to have as strong a following as ever.   Not unlike the legal world, mining the hospital and health care environment for inspiration can yield highly entertaining programming.  One archetypal character that frequently appears in both drama and comedic form is the curmudgeonly demanding senior doctor. 

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