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Serious insight for serious situations.

Milligan v. Maczak Holdings Ltd. – Sexual harassment, and the perils of a policy-less workplace

On September 29, 2023, the Human Rights Commission of Prince Edward Island (“PE HRC”) rendered its decision in the matter of Milligan v, Maczak Holdings Ltd. , a case involving sexual harassment of a restaurant worker at Smitty’s Family Restaurant (“Smitty’s”) in Charlottetown, PEI.

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Au-delà de l’expérience de travail canadienne : un pas vers l’égalité en emploi

En raison de lacunes dans les processus d’embauche, de nombreux employeurs se privent d’excellents candidats et s’exposent à des poursuites. Dans certains cas, ces lacunes découlent du choix des critères utilisés pour évaluer les qualifications des candidats.

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A primer on sexual assault investigations in the workplace

Some of the most serious forms of workplace or institutional investigations will involve the investigation of allegations of sexual assault. For post-secondary institutions (“PSIs”), incidents of sexual assault are, unfortunately, not uncommon. As evidenced by recent stories in the media, incidents of sexual assault can also arise in a variety of other workplaces and organizations.

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Is it too late now to say sorry?

As external investigators, our investigation ends with the delivery of a written report to our client. These reports always include findings of fact, and an analysis of those findings to determine whether there has been a breach of a policy and/or legislation. Sometimes, our clients will also ask that a report include recommendations for next steps.

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Let’s talk about texts: How to deal with evidentiary challenges relating to electronic messages in workplace investigations

I’m not a particularly prolific sender of text messages (perhaps a generational thing). I’ve learned through doing investigative work that it is not unusual for work colleagues to exchange many (thousands!) of text messages over a relatively short period.

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