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Serious insight for serious situations.

Bill C-65 – 3 years later … Are you up to date?

Where does the time go? Federally-regulated organizations surely recall the passing of Bill C-65 which amended the harassment and violence provisions of the Canada Labour Code (“CLC”). They also no doubt recall the accompanying Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations (“Regulations”) that came into effect in January of 2021, and set out more specific requirements for those employers that fall within federal jurisdiction.

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Revisiting workplace assessments under Bill C-65: What we know now

In August 2020, my colleague Veronica Howard and I published a blog on conducting workplace assessments under Bill C-65. At that time, Bill C-65 and the related Regulations set out the requirements that federally regulated employers were required to meet in order to satisfy their obligations under the Canada Labour Code (CLC)…

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Making a list and checking it twice? Selecting an investigator in federally-regulated workplaces

On January 1, 2021, new regulations will come into force that will amend the Canada Labour Code (Code) and change how harassment and violence investigations are to be conducted in federally-regulated workplaces. Among the changes are the provisions surrounding the selection of a workplace investigator. Under the new regulations, an employer can appoint an investigator from a list of investigators that the employer has jointly developed with its health and safety representative, workplace committee, or policy committee.

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Conducting workplace assessments under Bill C-65 | Part 5

The final regulations under Bill C-65 have been released and will come into force, along with the legislation, on January 1, 2021. The Bill and the regulations introduce significant changes to how employers in federally-regulated industries must prevent and respond to incidents of harassment and violence.

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Investigating harassment and violence under Bill C-65 | Part 4

The rules around investigating incidents of workplace harassment and violence will shift once Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence) comes into force. The date that the Bill will take legal effect has not been confirmed, although it is supposed to be this year.

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Projet de loi C-65 : Êtes-vous prêts? | Bill C-65: Are you ready?

Le projet de loi C-65 vise à renforcer les dispositions concernant le harcèlement et la violence dans les milieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale, la fonction publique fédérale et les milieux de travail parlementaires. Le projet de loi a reçu la sanction royale en octobre 2018, mais n’est pas encore en vigueur. En avril 2019, le gouvernement a également proposé un nouveau projet de règlement, qui, tout comme le projet de loi, n’est pas encore en vigueur.

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Bill C-65 and the prevention of harassment & violence | Part 2

2020 was supposed to be the year that Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence) came into force. The Bill promises to change how employers in federally-regulated industries prevent and address incidents of workplace harassment and violence. Employers have been waiting for the Bill to take legal effect for some time, but with more pressing matters on the national agenda these days, the federal government has not confirmed when this will happen.

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