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Serious insight for serious situations.

Serious insight for serious situations.

4 Reasons to support Respectful Workplace Training in the face of DEI Backlash

While we are probably best known for conducting and supporting investigations and providing investigation training, our firm’s passion is elevating workplace culture overall. One of the ways we do that is by facilitating Respectful Workplace Training (RWT) – while often narrowly viewed as harassment and discrimination training, RWT more broadly refers to any “training that will provide [workers] with information intended to help foster a respectful workplace.”

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Bill C-65 – 3 years later … Are you up to date?

Where does the time go? Federally-regulated organizations surely recall the passing of Bill C-65 which amended the harassment and violence provisions of the Canada Labour Code (“CLC”). They also no doubt recall the accompanying Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations (“Regulations”) that came into effect in January of 2021, and set out more specific requirements for those employers that fall within federal jurisdiction.

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The human touch: Elevating respect in the workplace through in-person learning experiences

While browsing the news, I fell on an opinion piece discussing recent studies that measured personality changes in the aftermath of COVID-19. Unsurprisingly, these studies confirmed that certain personality traits that are essential to interpersonal relationships and social harmony have been declining since the pandemic: …

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L’impact humain : Cultiver le respect au travail par le biais d’un apprentissage en présentiel

En parcourant les nouvelles, je suis tombé sur un article d’opinion qui faisait état de récentes études ayant mesuré des changements de personnalité généralisés au lendemain de la COVID-19 . que certains traits de caractères essentiels aux relations interpersonnelles et au maintien de l’harmonie sociale sont en déclin depuis la pandémie : …

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5 solutions pratiques pour améliorer le climat de travail

Alors que je faisais la queue à l’aéroport, pour passer au contrôle de sécurité, quelqu’un a bousculé la femme et l’enfant qui étaient derrière moi pour passer devant. Frappée par l’indécence (et l’audace) de cet acte irrespectueux, j’ai décidé de faire remarquer discrètement à l’individu en question ce qu’il venait de se passer. En réponse, non seulement a-t-il nié l’acte reproché, mais il a levé le ton et m’a dit de me mêler de mes affaires, sans se gêner de ponctuer le tout de grossièretés. Wow! De quoi élever le manque de respect initial à un tout autre niveau!

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5 Simple ways to help elevate workplace culture

I was waiting in a security line at the airport last week when someone brushed past the woman and child behind me to jump the line. I was struck by the rudeness (and boldness) of this act of incivility and so I discretely pointed it out to the offender. They responded by raising their voice, denying the act, and telling me to mind my own business in a fit of profanity. Whew! That took the initial incivility to a whole other level!

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Your Respect at Work training is complete — now what? How employers can successfully “follow through” 

Perhaps your workplace has recently rolled out a training course to educate employees about how to create and maintain a respectful workplace. Or maybe your organization is currently undergoing training and you wish to look ahead and consider what happens after the training is over.

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Creating a safe space in training sessions for both trainers and trainees

In recent years, we have seen important shifts in how employers are working to prevent and address harassment, discrimination, and violence in the workplace. As part of their efforts, employers are increasingly implementing training on these topics as a proactive measure.

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