While you’re here, you may wish to attend one of our upcoming workshops:
Assessing Credibility
Who should you believe? This course is for anyone who has investigated allegations but struggled to make a finding. Learn about the science of lie detection, which approaches work and which don’t, and valuable tools to assist you in making decisions. Investigators will leave confident in making difficult credibility decisions. Participants will be provided with comprehensive materials explaining these concepts and tools to better support them in their investigative practice.
Recently, while drafting an investigation report in French, I surprisingly struggled to find an appropriate way to translate “counter-complaint.” In the context of civil litigation, in French, a counterclaim is “une demande reconventionnelle,” but a quick internet search also suggests terms such as “contre-plainte” or “contre-recours.”
I debated whether I should just follow the internet suggestions. However, after several minutes of staring at the screen on my laptop, I could not bring myself to write “contre-plainte” or “contre-recours” in my report. When I shared this unexpected hiccup with my dear colleague Frédérick Doucet, who is also bilingual, he mentioned that he himself had questioned whether “intimé(e)” was not a better term than “répondant” to describe “a respondent” in French.
As any investigator drafting or reviewing documents in English and French in the course of an investigation will tell you, there is more to translation than finding the equivalent word-for-word of a term. Translation is, above all, finding a term that accurately conveys the meaning. Even for someone whose first language is French, like me, having to conduct investigations mostly in English has now made me less familiar with the French terminology.
This realization, drawn from my unexpected difficulty in trying to find the perfect translation for “counter-complaint,” gave me the idea for a blog intended to provide an English to French lexicon of terms commonly (and some less commonly) used in an investigation.
While I don’t have the pretension or authority to present this blog as an official dictionary, I hope you will see it as a helpful starting point in your bilingual drafting endeavours. I thank my colleague Frédérick for suggesting and helping translate some of the words below.
For more on the subject, I suggest you read the blog by former RT Workplace Investigator Sophie Martel, which is an excellent resource on the French translations of English gender-neutral pronouns, titled: “Il, elle, iel ou ille? Quel langage neutre utiliser en français? | Gender-neutral language in French, does it exist?”
Finally, I encourage you to visit the following resources which provide French translations of English legal terms. First, for our friends from Québec, the “Centre d’accès à l’information juridique” (“CAIJ”) provides free access to the Legal Reid dictionary, a valuable legal English to French translation tool. This resource can be accessed here.
Second, TERMIUM Plus®, a service offered by the Government of Canada, provides translations from English to French for human rights related terminology. Please click here to access this resource.
Finally, Jurisource.ca has released a legal glossary of English to French terms for law practitioners in Ontario. It can be accessed here.
English | French |
A | |
Abuse of power: | Abus de pouvoir |
Admission/denial: | Admissions/dénégations |
Adverse impact: | Effet préjudiciable |
(To) admit/To deny: | Admettre/nier |
Allegations/complaint: | Allégations/plainte |
(To) allege: | Alléguer, soutenir, affirmer |
Anonymous complainant: | Plaignant non identifié |
Anonymous complaint: | Plainte anonyme |
Assessment of credibility: | Évaluation de la crédibilité |
B | |
Balance of probabilities: | Balance des probabilités |
Behavioural norms: | Normes de comportement/Normes comportementales |
Bias: | Biais/Partialité |
Bona fide occupational requirement: | Exigence professionnelle justifiée |
Burden of proof: | Fardeau de la preuve |
Bullying: | Intimidation |
C | |
Circumstantial evidence: | Preuve circonstancielle |
Client’s investigation notice letter to the parties: | Avis d’enquête aux parties (par le client) |
Code of Conduct: | Code de Conduite |
Complainant: | Plaignant |
Confidentiality (agreement): | (Accord) de confidentialité |
Constructive dismissal: | Congédiement déguisé |
Corroborative evidence: | Preuve corroborant (…) |
Counter-complaint: | Plainte reconventionnelle |
Credibility determinations: | Conclusions sur la crédibilité |
Cyberbullying: | Cyberintimidation |
D | |
Discriminatory behaviour: | Comportement discriminatoire |
Documentary evidence: | Preuve documentaire |
E | |
Eyewitness: | Témoin oculaire |
F | |
Fact-finding process: | Processus de détermination des faits |
Factual findings: | Conclusions de fait ou conclusions factuelles |
Fairness: | Équité (équitable/juste) |
Federally-regulated workplace: | Milieu de travail (assujetti/soumis) à la réglementation fédérale |
H | |
Harassing behaviour: | Acte d’harcèlement/comportement harcelant |
Hearsay: | Ouï-dire |
I | |
Impartiality: | Impartialité |
Interim measures: | Mesures provisoires |
Interview: | Entrevue/Entretien |
Investigation letter to (the complainant/the respondent/the witness): | Lettre d’introduction (au plaignant, à l’intimé, au témoin) |
Investigation process: | Processus/Procédure d’enquête |
L | |
List of allegations: | Liste (ou résumé) des allégations |
M | |
Mandate: | Mandat |
Meeting: | Rencontre |
N | |
Neutrality: | Neutralité |
O | |
Offensive behaviour: | Comportement offensant |
P | |
Partial/quasi admissions: | Admissions partielles/quasi-admissions |
Personal harassment: | Harcèlement fondé sur des motifs non-prohibés |
Physical evidence: | Preuve matérielle |
Poisoned work environment: | Milieu de travail hostile |
Policy analysis: | Analyse de la politique |
Policy breach: | Une violation de la politique |
Preamble: | Préambule |
Preliminary assessment: | Évaluation préliminaire |
Probative value: | Valeur/Force probante |
Profanity/abusive language: | Langage vulgaire/injurieux |
Psychological harassment: | Harcèlement psychologique |
R | |
Reasons for the complaint: | Motifs de la plainte |
Reasonable exercise of managerial powers: | Exercice raisonnable du pouvoir de supervision |
Relevant (information/evidence): | Information pertinente Preuve pertinente à (…) |
Remarks (discriminatory or vexatious): | Propos/commentaires (discriminatoires ou vexatoires) |
Remediation: | Mesures correctrices |
Reply interview: | Entrevue de réponse |
Reprisals/retaliations (protection): | Représailles Protection contre des mesures de représailles |
Resignation: | Démission |
Respondent: | Intimé (e)/mis(e) en cause |
S | |
Similar fact evidence: | Preuve basée sur des faits similaires |
Scope of the investigation: | Le cadre de l’enquête |
Standard of proof: | Norme de preuve |
T | |
(Temporary/administrative) leave: | Mise à pied temporaire/suspension administrative |
Third-party investigator: | Enquêteur/Enquêtrice (Enquêteuse) externe |
Thoroughness: | (De manière) méticuleuse/exhaustive |
Threshold question: | La question-seuil |
Timeliness: | Promptitude |
Transparency: | Transparence |
U | |
Unconscious bias: | Biais inconscient, préjugé inconscient |
Union: | Syndicat |
Unionized workplace: | Milieu de travail syndiqué |
Unsubstantiated allegations: | Allégations non fondées |
V | |
Vexatious behaviour: | Comportement vexatoire |
W | |
Workplace assessment: | Évaluation du milieu de travail |
Workplace culture: | Culture en milieu de travail ou Culture organisationnelle |
Workplace investigation: | Enquête en milieu de travail |
(Wrongful) dismissal: | Congédiement (injustifié) |
Ceci conclut mon blogue. Bonne chance dans vos aventures rédactionnelles bilingues1!
1This concludes my blog. Good luck on your bilingual drafting adventures!
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