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Serious insight for serious situations.

Serious insight for serious situations.

5 solutions pratiques pour améliorer le climat de travail

Alors que je faisais la queue à l’aéroport, pour passer au contrôle de sécurité, quelqu’un a bousculé la femme et l’enfant qui étaient derrière moi pour passer devant. Frappée par l’indécence (et l’audace) de cet acte irrespectueux, j’ai décidé de faire remarquer discrètement à l’individu en question ce qu’il venait de se passer. En réponse, non seulement a-t-il nié l’acte reproché, mais il a levé le ton et m’a dit de me mêler de mes affaires, sans se gêner de ponctuer le tout de grossièretés. Wow! De quoi élever le manque de respect initial à un tout autre niveau!

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5 Simple ways to help elevate workplace culture

I was waiting in a security line at the airport last week when someone brushed past the woman and child behind me to jump the line. I was struck by the rudeness (and boldness) of this act of incivility and so I discretely pointed it out to the offender. They responded by raising their voice, denying the act, and telling me to mind my own business in a fit of profanity. Whew! That took the initial incivility to a whole other level!

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Your Respect at Work training is complete — now what? How employers can successfully “follow through” 

Perhaps your workplace has recently rolled out a training course to educate employees about how to create and maintain a respectful workplace. Or maybe your organization is currently undergoing training and you wish to look ahead and consider what happens after the training is over.

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