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Serious insight for serious situations.

Serious insight for serious situations.

There’s an app for that, but should you use it? How technology can (and can’t) assist in combating workplace harassment

In 2017, technology is a part of our everyday experience. In a world where Amazon has replaced the corner store and Tinder has replaced the local bar, it’s not surprising that businesses are now turning to apps and artificial intelligence to assist with workplace harassment reporting and investigations. Using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify potentially

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The TTC’s random drug testing program: Four major challenges to consider

At a meeting on November 30th, the Toronto Transit Commission (“TTC”) board voted in favour of a plan to push ahead with the implementation of random drug testing – despite the fact that the matter is still being arbitrated. The vote was based on the recommendations of a confidential report tabled for the board’s approval.

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Taming Twitter: 5 ways to manage customer-driven harassment of employees on social media

For any modern, public-facing organization, a social media presence has come to feel less like a “nice feature” and more like an absolute “must-have” to stay competitive and relevant. In particular, today’s customers demand and, indeed, expect a social media platform where they can receive succinct, immediate, one-on-one support without having to interact with a

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