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Think twice before you slack

While you’re here, you may wish to attend one of our upcoming workshops:

Workplace Investigation Fundamentals
11 Feb - 13 Feb at
in Online
If a complaint of workplace harassment is made, do you know how to respond, investigate, and report on it — legally and correctly? If you don’t, you are not alone. This 3-day course is a crucial primer for today’s climate. Investigate mock complaints (inspired by our work across the country) from start to finish, build your investigation skills, and learn how to avoid costly pitfalls. The third day focuses on mastering report writing.
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I was actually going to write this blog last fall but it seems even more timely now. I have done a number of investigations in the past year where some of the allegations and evidence concerned conversations on various instant messaging platforms: Slack, Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp. While I seem to have developed a sub-specialty with investigations in the Tech sector, I confess that the first time a party spoke to me of Slack, I was somewhat clueless. I quickly became versed in Slack once the parties and witnesses to my investigations started showing me the conversations they had had with their colleagues and managers on Slack. I have, unfortunately, seen it all this past year: flirting, love confessions, condescending comments, racist remarks and jokes in bad taste. These comments were, at times, made by senior leaders and supervisors, or between colleagues and fellow students.

I was having some difficulty understanding what might possess someone to post such comments on these platforms when they generally ought to have known better. And then came Covid-19 and working remotely resulted in my own firm beginning to use Microsoft Teams. When our first group chats were launched, one of the partners of our firm reminded us that it remained an employment-related communication tool subject to all of the usual policies on respectful workplace communications. I thought this caution was rather amusing given that we are investigators and trainers of respect in the workplace. But then I noticed how easy-going our chats became and it was not entirely a stretch to imagine how such conversations could become overly informal and unacceptable workplace communications. I am pleased to inform you that this has not occurred – we are professional workplace investigators after all!

As the third rule of my colleague Liliane Gingras’ blog on “Five Respect at Work Rules for the Remote Workplace” states, the usual rules regarding respectful workplace communications apply to whatever instant messaging platform the employer has implemented. As she notes, this means no vulgar language, discriminatory jokes, crass videos or pornographic images. Given the increased prevalence of these instant messaging platforms and the tendency to view them as a more informal means of communication, it is good practice for employers to send regular reminders about the application of respectful communication rules to all modes of communication. Furthermore, an organization’s awareness of inappropriate online communications could trigger an obligation to investigate.

In other words, think twice about what you are communicating via Slack because what you thought might be amusing could end up being evidence in a workplace investigation.

Webinars: Registration is open!

Take our courses across Canada wherever you may be located, all you need is an internet connection and your computer. Click here to view our courses and register.

We recognize that people are at home and trying to find ways to stay connected and up to date on current issues. We will be making our next three webinars COMPLIMENTARY. We want you to have the tools you need to maintain a safe, healthy, and effective workplace environment.