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Serious insight for serious situations.

Serious insight for serious situations.

Training and education a key factor in the battle against sexual harassment according to House of Commons study

As employment lawyers, we are acutely aware of the value of training and education. This is why it is one of the centerpieces of our firm. Whether we are providing training on how to conduct a workplace investigation or on how to identify human rights issues, we know, based on what our clients tell us,

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You started it! When the victim is the instigator of harassment

We often hear from our clients, or through the course of investigations, that the incidents now being alleged to be harassment are part of the workplace culture, and that an employee’s active participation in the harassing behaviour means that the conduct should not constitute harassment for that employee. Is the employee’s participation in the harassing

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Court reinforces employer’s responsibility in managing sexual harassment and refuses to accept antiquated thinking

In a recent decision, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada v. Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ Union of Canada, Local 3011, 2013 ONSC 2725, the Ontario Divisional Court held that the discharge of an employee who had sexually hara­ssed a co-worker was an appropriate penalty.  The employee, a mail room clerk, tried to kiss

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On seeing an employment lawyer for the first time: Thoughts from two Toronto employment lawyers

We recently sat down to discuss what employee clients can do both before and during their first meeting with us to contribute to the exchange being successful. These are the clients who seek our advice in terms of a possible wrongful dismissal, a sexual harassment complaint, helping them respond to an offer of employment, or

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Welcome to RTLaw@Work

Happy New Year and welcome to the first edition of RTLaw@Work, Rubin Thomlinson’s weekly blog on new and noteworthy employment law cases. We could not say goodbye to 2007, without mentioning our favourite case of the year, Mercey v. Consolidated Recycling [2007] O.J. No. 3608 (QL). This decision was released in September, and is still

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