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Serious insight for serious situations.

Serious insight for serious situations.

Alberta court reaffirms reasonable notice entitlements for dependent contractors

At the end of a typical employment relationship, it is not uncommon for the parties to disagree over the amount of “reasonable notice” (or pay in lieu of notice) that the employer is required to give to the employee under common law. However, in situations where an organization has retained an individual as a contractor

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Ontario jury awards former Walmart employee $1.46 million for constructive dismissal

Setting a new “high-water mark” for damages in constructive dismissal cases in Ontario, a jury in Windsor, Ontario has awarded a former Walmart employee $1.46 million in damages, after finding that she was constructively dismissed. In delivering its verdict on October 10, 2012, the jury concluded that the employee had suffered abusive treatment, including mental

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Supreme Court: May be necessary for dismissed employees to return to the same employer to satisfy duty to mitigate

According to the Supreme Court of Canada, it may be necessary for a dismissed employee to mitigate his or her damages by returning to work for the same employer. In a case released just yesterday, the Supreme Court of Canada has added a new and interesting element to the mix of termination options for employers. 

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Supreme Court of Canada hears Honda v. Keays

Today, the Supreme Court of Canada heard submissions in what is arguably the most important employment law case in over a decade, Honda v. Keays.  At issue are the legal consequences of firing an employee with a disability – in this case chronic fatigue syndrome.  As part of the company’s disability management program, Honda required

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Restrictive covenants that “stick”

This week, we continue to look back at noteworthy 2007 employment law cases.  For people who are interested in the duties imposed on departing employees, have a look at H.L. Staebler Co. v. Allan [2007] O.J. No. 3460, a decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.  The case revolved around whether an employer’s restrictive

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One of the more interesting trends in the 2007 case law was a number of cases in which judges considered whether an employee’s contract of employment had become “frustrated” due to illness and disability. “Frustration” is an old legal concept taken from the law of contracts. It sets out the circumstances when one party to

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Welcome to RTLaw@Work

Happy New Year and welcome to the first edition of RTLaw@Work, Rubin Thomlinson’s weekly blog on new and noteworthy employment law cases. We could not say goodbye to 2007, without mentioning our favourite case of the year, Mercey v. Consolidated Recycling [2007] O.J. No. 3608 (QL). This decision was released in September, and is still

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