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150 Words

While you’re here, you may wish to attend one of our upcoming workshops:

Workplace Investigation Fundamentals
28 Jan - 30 Jan at
in Online
If a complaint of workplace harassment is made, do you know how to respond, investigate, and report on it — legally and correctly? If you don’t, you are not alone. This 3-day course is a crucial primer for today’s climate. Investigate mock complaints (inspired by our work across the country) from start to finish, build your investigation skills, and learn how to avoid costly pitfalls. The third day focuses on mastering report writing.
Event is fullJoin waiting list

In December 1995 (a bitterly cold December!) I arrived in Canada with my family. Bewildered (and freezing!), I looked around the airport and even at the age of 8, I could sense Canada was a different place than the one I had left. While I could not verbalize what that difference was then, I sit here now, 20 years later, and the word that comes to mind is “opportunity”. That is what I see around me as a lawyer – whether through legislative change, social discourse or courtroom battles – opportunities for personal, professional, and societal growth. As to what has created, and will sustain that opportunity for the next 150 years, I turn to Winston Churchill’s words:

“There are no limits to the majestic future which lies before the mighty expanse of Canada with its virile, aspiring, cultured, and generous-hearted people.”

About the Author: Toronto Employment Lawyer Parisa Nikfarjam regularly speaks to human resources professionals, educators, and business owners about employment law and workplace human rights issues. Parisa has designed and delivers interactive workshops on such topics as youth employment, harassment and bullying, and social media in the workplace.